Susan Chow

Susan Chow

Susan Chow

Real Estate Consultant
Susan Chow is a Vancouver-born Canadian Chinese who have watched with interest the rapid growth and changes to the Real Estate Industry. She feels very blessed to reside and raise her family in Vancouver’s Lower Mainland. As a life long learner & explorer of multiculturalism that Metro Vancouver has to offer, Susan can converse in English, French, Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese and is learning Serbian. Susan has sound business experience from Banking, Culinary Arts, and many years of being self-employed as an entrepreneur. Real Estate is a people business, and Susan looks forward to helping all her present and past business contacts one person at a time. As Susan articulates ” Life is about the experiences and the daily learning in which we can, in turn, implement those values and lessons upon others to create empathetic sharing and progress. I hope to meet you soon.
  • Cell: 604-377-3691
  • Email:
  • Language: Cantonese, English, French, Japanese

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