Randal Cheng

Randal Cheng

Randal Cheng

Personal Real Estate Corporation
Randal was born and raised in Vancouver, BC. Since the beginning of his working career, Randal worked his way up in retail to expand on his customer service skills. Randal chose the service industry because he enjoys helping others, while providing a friendly and informative service. Being a Sales Manager, heading onwards to Operations and a Sales and Marketing Director, he gained an immense knowledge of working with clients. With his passion and love for helping others, Randal pursued his career in Real Estate. With a new start, he felt as though being a real estate agent was his calling. Being able to help others by providing the most excellence of service, he knew he could provide his clients everything they could ask for. Randal completed his real estate license and immediately started working hard. Randal has been in the real estate business since 2014, helping families find their perfect home.
  • Cell: 604-889-3113
  • Email: randal@thekeyagents.com
  • Language: Cantonese

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