Bill Hamilton

Bill Hamilton

Bill Hamilton

Personal Real Estate Corporation
As a UBC Commerce graduate – 5 Year Program – with an Urban Land Economics designation I have been providing professional commercial real estate services for over 30 years. Obtaining my real estate license shortly after graduating I completed my first transaction that same afternoon. I currently hold an Associate Broker License. I have been involved in commercial real estate leasing, lease renewals, sales, court ordered sales, property management and valuations assisting clients with their commercial real estate requirements for their business start up, expansion and winding down and I have completed over 1000 transactions during my career. In addition, I currently have a small portfolio of properties that I manage for a few clients and perform the lease renewals and re-leasing as necessary with my property management relations extending over 20 years. My client list is extensive, my relationship with clients enduring and I have been serving clients, in some cases, close to 30 years.

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